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MentorSHPE is one of our longest running and most impactful programs. Here, we coordinate one-to-one mentoring relationships that support personal and professional development. It is designed to expand networks, allow participants to gain new knowledge and insights, and build new skills for both mentors and mentees.

In 2021 we launched on an online platform, Chronus, to help facilitate these connections with greater ease, and log interactions for our own internal tracking. A total of  74 mentors and 151 mentees signed up, inputting a total of 885 activities including meetings, messages, and assigned tasks.

The feedback has been phenomenal! 100% of mentees reported achieving all or some of their set goals, and they reported improvement in the areas of  being first-generation in college, authenticity, and networking.

MentorSHPE has proven to be even more crucial during the pandemic. As one SHPE mentee puts it, “During the pandemic, I lost motivation and got side-tracked looking for jobs. Having a mentor to guide me has motivated me to continue to look for opportunities… A professional who is also Hispanic knows and can relate to my own hurdles and struggles as a first generation Latina student.”

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